Dealing with CPAP dermatitis

Hello all, I’ve been experiencing some moderate redness/itching/irritation from using my CPAP mask, and it starting to get in the way of my sleep. I’ve looked this up and have self-diagnosed it as CPAP dermatitis. I’m not exactly sure what to do about it, I’ve tried cleaning my mask and checking for leaks, but the problem persists. Would love to hear from anyone on here who’s dealt with this before. Thanks.

How exactly are you cleaning your mask? You need to be very careful about what you use to clean it. I was troubleshooting the same thing, and realized anything other than standard dawn dish soap gives me some skin trouble. Good luck.

I agree the first thing to check is what you’re cleaning it with. I wash my water tank with vinegar exclusively for this very reason.

What do you mean, like just using vinegar and hot water?

Yea, I soak the tank and hose in a 2:1 mix if hot water and vinegar. Just make sure to give it a good rinse to deal with the smell.