Sleep Apnea Misdiagnosis

After undergoing a home sleep study, I was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea, recording an AHI of 20. In the five nights I’ve been using CPAP, my highest AHI reading is 1.4. Which is good… but I almost feel like I might not have sleep apnea i the first place.

Do you think this is an immediate result of the CPAP working, or is it possible there was an error in my diagnosis in the first pace. It’s weird because I don’t experience shortness of breath upon waking or daytime sleepiness. Ever since I started CPAP I’ve been sleeping around 2 hours less each night because of the mask due to how uncomfortable it is. I reached out to the testing companies medical team without receiving a response. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Seems to me that the CPAP therapy is effectively addressing your sleep apnea, as your AHI has significantly decreased. Achieving fewer than five episodes per hour is a positive outcome. It’s common for individuals to take about two weeks to fully adjust to using CPAP throughout the night. If you’re managing at least four hours per night within the first two weeks, that’s commendable! Be patient with yourself and set short-term goals. Some people find it helpful to practice wearing the mask during the day to become more accustomed to the therapy.